Wednesday, April 04, 2007


04 April, 2007
"The event is really disgraceful for the whole Armenians. We let the Turks to humiliate us via cutting the fillet in the presence of Ataturk’s picture. And now we announce world-wide “how kind the Turks are, we must invite them to Armenia as a sign of gratitude, hang the picture of Andranik and make the Turks cut ribbons under his picture"
“Sargis Tkhruni” Youth Student Union is indignant at the announcement of Gagik Gyurjinyan, Deputy Minister of the RA Culture. The point is that after negotiating with his Turkish counterpart, Gagik Gyurjinyan announced that Armenia is ready to renovate a Turkish historical monument in Armenia and to invite a Turkish delegation to the opening ceremony in return of rehabilitating Armenian cultural treasure Akhtamar in Turkey.

“Mr. Gyurjinyan doesn’t fully realize the matter or pretends not to realize. The event is really disgraceful for the whole Armenians. We let the Turks to humiliate us via cutting the fillet in the presence of Ataturk’s picture. And now we announce world-wide “how kind the Turks are, we must invite them to Armenia as a sign of gratitude, hang the picture of Andranik and make the Turks cut ribbons under his picture. Let’s initiate a struggle to raise Turkey’s reputation on the international level and serve Turkey’s interests. The Turks may feel pity for us and “leave alone,” the announcement reads.

Taking into consideration the current scene, “Sargis Tkhruni” still urges Hasmik Poghosyan, Minister of RA Culture, to apologise to all Armenians for sending a delegation to Turkey and humiliating Armenians. Otherwise, “we shall stick to our principles and hold a picket opposite RA Ministry of Culture.”

Note: Above are excerpts from the article. The full article appears here. Clarifications and comments by me are contained in {}. Deletions are marked by [...]. The bold emphasis is mine.



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