Thursday, May 26, 2005

Sabanci University press release: Istanbul Historian Conference Halted by the Turkish Government

The presidency of Bosphorus University that was to host the conference 'Ottoman Armenians at the End of Empire: Academic Responsibility and Issues of Democracy' has been forced to decide to postpone it. The declaration of the Bosphorus University presidency notes that the university was saddened to be confronted with 'serious accusations' because of this conference organized to provide 'a context for scientific discussion;' criticizes the 'expression of prejudices on the contents of a conference that had not yet been actualized;' and conveys that by so doing, a condition and context harmful to academic freedom have been created.
It is extremely distressing and dreadful that, in opposition to these universal values that have also been assimilated in Turkey, the 25-27 May conference at Bosphorus University was brought, because of prejudices and serious accusations, to the point of not being actualized. Not only does this consequence seriously harm the development of the freedom of thought, democracy and civil society, but I worry that it will also become, in the future within the international arena, a significant impediment to Turkey.

Professor Tosun Terzioglu
Sabanci University

Note: Above are excerpts from the article. The full article appears Here. Clarifications and comments by me are contained in {}. Deletions are marked by [...].The bold emphasis is mine.


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