Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Talat Pasha committee calls on France to abandon Armenian Genocide bill

Ferit Ilsever said below “We have come together to tell people that the proposed law regarding the denial of the Armenian Genocide is misleading the French public. The forced emigration that took place was in defense of the nation, there was no genocide, the nation was defending itself,”.

If that is the case then Turkey should be able to reverse this process and allow Armenians back into Western Armenia with guarantees that they will be protected against attacks. It happens so that even the recently renovated Akhtamar church was turned into a museum and not given back to the rightful owners, the Armenian Patriarchate in Istanbul. This negates any claims of fair treatment towards Armenians by Turkey, now and specially under Ottoman rule in the past.
YEREVAN (YERKIR) - Addressing a conference in Paris organized by the nationalist Talat Pasha Committee and the Paris Association for Kemalist Thought (ADD), Talat Pasha general secretary Ferit Ilsever said that France should abandon legislation that would make it a crime to deny the Armenian Genocide.

“Last week the Turkish Minister of Justice and Turkish Ambassador to Paris, Osman Korutürk, called us to cancel the protest march we were planning in the Place de la Bastille, so as not to provoke the French. We have postponed it for now, but the protest will certainly take place in the near future,” Ilsever said.

“We have come together to tell people that the proposed law regarding the denial of the Armenian Genocide is misleading the French public. The forced emigration that took place was in defense of the nation, there was no genocide, the nation was defending itself,” he said, PanARMENIAN.Net reported, citing Hurriyet.

Note: Above are excerpts from the article. The full article appears here. Clarifications and comments by me are contained in {}. Deletions are marked by [...]. The bold emphasis is mine.



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