Friday, November 11, 2005

A Light Sentence for Selling a Human Being

by Samvel Poghosyan

On July 20 th Yerevan’s Court of First Instance of the Kentron and Nork Marash Districts, Judge Zhora Vardanyan presiding, sentenced Marine Poghosyan to one year and six months in prison [...].
In 2001, with the aim of providing for her young daughter, Marine Poghosyan went to Dubai to work for her cousin Armine Poghosyan, a prostitute there. Afterwards, she decided to lure good-looking Armenian girls to Dubai with the promise of non-existent jobs {maid or nanny}, force them into prostitution, and make a lot of money off them. [...] Maro’s daughter A. agreed to go to Dubai. “I was divorced from my husband and had a daughter to take care of. [...].Marine took A.’s passport, explaining that she had to show it to the hotel administrator. She never returned it. Instead she demanded that A. work as a prostitute until she could pay back the $7,000 that Marine had spent to get her to Dubai.
[...] In July 2005, when Marine was out of the hotel A. called her mother and told her what had happened. A’s mother [...] demanded the immediate return of her daughter. [...] .
In April 2005, when Marine Poghosyan was in Armenia, A’s mother persuaded her daughter to go to police. Although A. claims she earned around $5,000 in Dubai, she never demanded any of that money back during the trial.
The court, taking into account that Marine Poghosyan had confessed and expressed remorse, had no prior convictions, and was the mother of a young child, sentenced her to one year and six months.

Note: Above are excerpts from the article. The full article appears here. Clarifications and comments by me are contained in {}. Deletions are marked by [...]. The bold emphasis is mine.


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